Conflict Resolution Unchanged by COVID

14 January 2021

Uncertainty has become a way of life in this pandemic world. Millions fear for the health and safety of not only themselves but their friends and family. That’s not even mentioning those trying to go through a divorce. Thankfully for them, conflict resolution remains unchanged by the global pandemic.

If you or someone you know is going through a separation or divorce, you may be wondering what your options are. How can you and your soon-to-be-ex get through this all without being emotionally and financially destitute?

That is where conflict resolution comes into play. The traditional litigation system that we know – all too well – is one that no longer works. There are better ways to get through a divorce. More importantly, those divorcing deserve a better way of moving forward with their lives. Conflict resolution remains the superior option for those a seeking divorce. Moreover, it remains unimpacted by COVID.

Virtual Appointments Make Conflict Resolution Possible

The key component of resolving a conflict is that there is a singular goal in mind. That goal is to find a resolution to the issue at hand. The goal is to bring both parties closer together so that both may move apart.

Traditionally speaking, conflict resolution has taken place in person. Both parties, whether together or separately, would meet with the mediator. Both sides are heard with a mediator involved, ensuring that no one is left out. 

When both sides have spoken and their concerns addressed, an agreement comes to be. These agreements outline things like co-parenting, sharing assets, and whatever else the parties agree to.

Thanks to virtual meetings, none of that has to change. Divorcing couples can still meet with their mediator and under their own terms. After all, providing safety and stability during a time where both are in question is of the utmost importance.

online mediation manThe Process Does Not Change

If you or someone you know is going through a divorce, either now or within the near future, you undoubtedly have questions. How will things proceed now that in-person meetings are no longer commonplace?

Virtual mediation makes all of that possible once again. Couples can meet virtually, either together or individually, with the mediator. Perhaps even better is the flexibility afforded by working through virtual mediation.

Since there is no longer a need to meet in person, it saves on travel time to and from the meetings. Those 30-60 minutes can mean meeting at times that would have previously not been possible with in-person meetings. All of this means a smoother, more flexible process. It also means that divorcing couples can meet with their mediator when it works best for them. That means coming to reasonable conflict resolution without the need for expensive court proceedings. Those expensive court proceedings are one of the primary reasons why couples choose mediation over traditional divorce court proceedings.

Conflict Resolution and Mediation is the Better Route

Until recently, divorce court was the only way to go. “Lawyering up” and dragging things out until both parties feel the hurt emotionally and financially was the only way to do things. But times have thankfully changed for the better. There are multiple benefits to be had by going through mediation and conflict resolution rather than traditional divorce court proceedings. Here are just a few of the benefits to be had.

The Benefits of Conflict Resolution

  1. Quicker. For starters, mediation is much quicker than traditional divorce court. Under circumstances that aren’t too combative, mediation can be achieved in days or weeks. Court proceedings can take months and even years to complete.
  2. Cheaper. The length of time is not the only issue with traditional divorce court. There is also the matter of astronomical costs. Mediation is substantially less expensive than litigation. There is the mediation fee as well as the cost of having a lawyer present. But past that, the costs wind up being substantially lower than that of court proceedings.
  3. Confidential. Unlike divorce court proceedings, mediation is generally confidential. That means no transcripts or records of the mediation. For couples going through a particularly contentious divorce, keeping things under wraps may be important. Though divorce is more common, it is still a stigma for some. Keeping the details under wraps can be just as important as saving time and money.
  4. Less Formal. Attending court typically involves other formalities. Proper attire, proper behaviour, proper everything. But with mediation, there is simply the need to show up and discuss the issues with the mediator. That means a greater focus on the parties and the issues rather than the procedures and rules at hand.
  5. Preservation of Relationships. Traditional court proceedings are often contentious. They can be downright toxic in some cases. When it comes to co-parenting or maintaining a relationship after divorce, there may be no going back. But with mediation, couples who co-parent can retain their relationship. There may be no love left, but they can at least parent effectively.

Opt for Less Conflict

Marriages rarely end with both parties smiling throughout. They are naturally contentious, stirring up negative emotions. But that does not have to be the way. Resolving conflict through mediation can make things so much better. If you or someone you know is going through a divorce, give mediation a chance. Work with a mediator to come to a better resolution than previously thought. Both parties will be all the better for it in the end.
